Qualcomm has announced that it will hold the Qualcomm Snapdragon Technology Summit 2020 on 1st December, there Snapdragon 875 will be unveiled. After the announcement of Qualcomm, the Vice president of Realme Xu Qi said that he looked forward to it and hinted that the company will use this flagship processor.
On the other hand, a source posted an image of Realme’s 125W charger and revealed the new Realme 125W supported Smartphone will be released in Q1 2021. This model will be equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 flagship platform. This will be the first batch of Snapdragon 875 models.
It is reported that the Snapdragon 875 is based on a 5nm process and is expected to adopt a 1+3+4 octa-core architecture. The “1” may refer to the ultra-large core Cortex X1, and its peak performance is 23% higher than Cortex A78.
In addition, the Snapdragon 875 Smartphone of Realme will also support 125W flash charging. According to official data, the Realme 125W ultra-fast flash charge can charge a 4000mAh battery to 33% in only 3 minutes, which is very fast.
To sum up, this new Realme Smartphone maintains flagship-level performance while also using the fast charging technology with the highest charging power so far, which is extremely competitive in the same gear.
Read Also: Realme UI 2.0 Will be Unveiled In October Together With a New Phone
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