Yesterday, the 3C agency certified the OnePlus 12 mobile phone, confirming its support for 100W fast charging. The AnTuTu benchmark database now features the phone, revealing its Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, 12GB of memory, and a benchmark score exceeding 2.11 million points.
The 3C certification page provides information on the OnePlus 12 mobile phone model, designated as PJD110. The specifications indicate: “Power adapter: VCBAHBCH, VCBAOBCH; Input 1: 100-130V ~ 50/60Hz, 2.5A; Output 1: 5VDC 2A or 5-11VDC 7.3A (MAX); Input 2: 200-240V ~ 50/60Hz, 2.5A; Output 2: 5VDC 2A or 5-11VDC 9.1A (MAX).”
Furthermore, OnePlus Li Jie shared a comparison of the shooting samples from the OnePlus 12 and Xiaomi 14 Pro mobile phones, emphasizing, “This is just a version that has not yet been optimized to the extreme. This time, from hardware to algorithm adjustment, we need to make the imaging so powerful that it is terrifying. I will continue to collaborate with the imaging team.”
Read Also: Oneplus12 Spotted at Geekbench with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3,16GB RAM, Android 14
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