Facebook removes election misinformation pages tied to Steve Bannon

Former Trump Strategist Steve Bannon Arrested On Fraud Charges Related To Crowdfunded Built The Wall Campaign

Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

Facebook has removed a series of pages linked to former Trump advisor Steve Bannon. The pages were removed after nonprofit organization Avaaz flagged them as spreading — and artificially amplifying — election-related misinformation under the “Stop The Steal” tag.

Facebook confirmed to The New York Times that it removed “several clusters of activity” late last week “for using inauthentic behavior tactics to artificially boost how many people saw their content.” That included pages tied to Bannon as well as a “Stop the Steal” group that lured Trump supporters into joining and then changed the title to “Gay Communists for Socialism.” Facebook spokesperson Andy Stone says the group “misled people about its purpose using deceptive tactics.”


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