igeekphone on September 12 news, the 2023 Qualcomm Snapdragon Summit will be held from October 24 to 26, when the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor is expected to officially debut. According to the blogger @digital chat station today broke the news that the new machine equipped with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 will debut as early as the end of October.
igeekphone previously reported that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor has appeared in the GeekBench running library, carried by the Nubia new machine, the CPU confirmed the use of 1+5+2 octa-core design, It consists of one 3.19GHz super-large core, five 2.96GHz large cores and two 2.27GHz cores. The processor scored 1596 points for single-core and 5977 points for multi-core in version 5.4.1.
According to the blogger previously revealed that at present, looking at the new machine schedule, the probability of Xiaomi’s new flagship mobile phone to launch Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor is great.
Xiaomi 14 series new machine draft has been exposed before, according to the blogger’s description, millet 14 standard version uses the limit small straight screen + right Angle frame design, Pro version uses the limit large micro quad screen + right Angle frame, all provide bright body version.
In addition, both models are equipped with a 50 million pixel circular triple camera, using a square camera Deco, a large circular two-color temperature flash in the upper right corner, the lens label information in the middle of the Deco, referring to the previous line draft and then remove the partition design.
As of now, no manufacturer has officially announced the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, interested friends can pay attention to the Snapdragon Summit held in October.
The post Android’s new flagship is coming, and the news is that Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 mobile phones will be released as early as the end of October appeared first on IGeeKphone China Phone, Tablet PC, VR, RC Drone News, Reviews.